White Label Payment Gateway: Everything You Need to Know

A white label payment gateway with Business Globalizer is a great solution for businesses that want to outsource their payment processing.
White Label Payment Gateway

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In recent years, digital technology has reached new heights. It has spread its wings over all sectors. Online payments have also been touched by grace. As expected, there has been a significant surge in the demand for payment gateways.

However, recently, a new concept made a huge impact in the realm of digital payments. The concept is known as the white-label payment gateway. A good percentage of businesses want to start particular things from scratch. Some put their faith in well-established companies with ready options and some don’t.

Now, when it comes to payments, it gets interesting. Normally, people start by opening a merchant account and practicing special payment gateway plugins—the basic kinds of stuff, right? Yet some businesses prefer to work directly with the white-label payment gateways. Why?

In this article, I will guide you through the whole white-label payment gateway issue, including how it works, what the benefits are, and, most importantly, why you should prefer this for your business organization.

What Is a White Label Payment Gateway?

Before we even start to get into this white-label payment gateway, let’s take a short detour to the standard ones. It’ll be much easier for you to contrast between the two variants then. In the case of normal payment gateways, they take your payment card data and securely send it to a payment processor for authorization. They do so whenever you swipe your card or make an online purchase.

These systems submit the transaction information to credit card networks and send it to the bank of your credit card company or bank. Whatever the response from your bank is, it then gets transmitted in reverse back to the payment gateway. These kinds of standard gateways have tools and interfaces in place. These things allow merchants to collect credit card transaction information from their customers. Now, they do it in several different ways.

For instance, some payment gateways provide APIs that allow websites, point-of-sale devices, business software, mobile applications, and even virtual terminal capabilities. Moving on to white-label payment gateways, it’s difficult to boil the essence of them down to one simple sentence. But I’m going to try anyway.

A white-label payment processing system lets you (merchant and brand alike) process payments using your official name. But the catch is that you will be using third-party services. They do the hard work and the only thing you have to do is put your logo on top of it.

In this system, merchants are provided with almost similar options and functionality to a standard payment gateway. It performs exactly like them but there are some huge differences and ‘advantages’ with white-label payment gateways.

Specifically speaking, regular gateways contract with merchant acquirers or ISOs to ‘resell’ their payment gateway’s brand. On the other hand, white-label payment gateways allow the merchant acquirer, or ISO, to brand and sell their payment gateway services as their own.

In this way, they get to use their very own company logo or customize the look the way they see fit with their brand. Simply put, a merchant acquirer, or ISO doesn’t have to resell some other payment gateway because they can be the payment gateway themselves.

Things to Consider While Choosing a White Label Payment Service Provider

Let’s say you have decided to use a white-label payment gateway for your business. But before diving straight into that, you need to heavily consider some things. Because if you choose a provider later on only to find that you’ll not be getting what is best for you, then it will be unfortunate.

So, how can you make sure that you’ll be getting what you need? Well… it’s pretty simple. All you have to do is ask some questions and find out if the answers are satisfactory enough for you. 

How Reliable and Secure is it?

For example, your provider should have enough training materials and other support services. Make sure you have access to those. The next thing is an important one…make an in-depth survey about the platform: is it easy and intuitive to use?

Also, you want your payment gateway platform to be reliable and secure all the way. You have to keep in mind that our habits have changed throughout the years. Everything has moved online. As a result, even the biggest players aren’t immune to cybersecurity issues. But still, these white-label payment gateways tend to promise their clients the utmost security and reliability.

To name a few: It should have an SSL for a more secure connection and a PCI certificate since it has complete access to customers’ personal information; tokenization to reduce the risks associated with the data breach, 3D secure authentication, and anti-fraud tools.

Does It Have Enough Branding Options?

It doesn’t need much saying but we all know the main reason behind choosing a white-label payment service. That is, to get the maximum amount of flexibility and a customizable platform. After all, you want to make the gateway service as good as you can on your own.

Hence, you have to explore the available branding options that the providers are willing to offer. If the options are good enough to be to your liking, only then can you fully brand the payment gateway the way you see fit.

So, there are roughly 5 or 6 things that you want to have absolute control over. Like the URL, your brand’s logo, preferred color scheme, a font that goes with the integrity and mood of your brand, marketing collateral, APIs, and lastly, the login portal.

Don’t Ignore the Small Stuff

There are some other things that you need to pay attention to. In that way, you’ll have a total understanding of your gateway service provider and their operation.

For instance, have concrete information regarding who holds the responsibility for billing the merchant, who manages the SSL certificate, and to whom the domain name belongs. You also need to go through every nook and cranny of the customer support policy for a merchant who is being handled by the operation.

In addition, make sure you check the shopping carts that you have been integrated into. It offers support in handling orders, inventory, accounting, e-mail marketing, and all the other e-commerce activities. Also, they grant access to customer data to streamline digital commerce operations.

Lastly, you want to see the fact that you can put ‘any type of merchant’ you want on the platform. You will, unfortunately, be met with providers who won’t agree with you on this. But you will have to make sure that you get the absolute freedom to board the merchants that you want to do business with.

Perks of White Label Payment Gateway

At the very beginning of this article, I mentioned briefly that a white-label payment gateway has more advantages than a standard payment gateway. You will be the one who sets the margins and becomes a more active part of the revenue stream.

Not only that, but you also get to build your brand and work on marketing your business. It’ll ultimately add up to the increased visibility of your brand. Here, we will discuss some of the most important benefits that you can have if you use this particular platform for your business organization or brand.

Keeping Your Payment Solutions Simple and Smart

A white-label payment gateway is a platform that accepts the most commonly used national and international payment methods and currencies. It does so using only one contract. There’s more…It allows you to manage your fees and transaction amounts to merchants all around the globe via IBAN.

Just a friendly reminder: IBAN doesn’t replace your sort code and account number. On the contrary, it’s an additional number with extra information that helps the overseas banks identify your account for payments. The point is that it also functions via IBAN making this payment platform more simple, efficient, and smart.

Make Your Brand Known

Let’s assume your business organization normally offers multiple services or products from third parties that complement one another. Here, if you add a branded payment gateway, you can easily increase the name of your own brand name.

Social marketing is the next big thing that can increase traffic from other resources. So, ultimately it will boost awareness of your brand across multiple online platforms. We all know how important it is to have a positive reputation in the modern digital market.

Your Relationship with Your Clients Will Improve

It’s always nice to have a white-label payment gateway in your product lists. Having this, your merchants will be eager to depend on you more. If you add value to your existing services and products your brand will become more popular.

Because of that, more clients like to have one point of contact for several different services. It’ll automatically strengthen the relationship you have with your merchants and make them stay with you. In that way, you’ll also be in a powerful position to meet and even extend their needs.

Less Hassle, Less Stress

We know that, at some point, we all become excited about the idea of creating our own payment gateway from scratch. There’s no problem thinking about it, though. But the thing is, this is a very complicated and delicate platform.

So, if you have zero experience regarding this payment gateway, it’s better if you leave it to the professionals. You will be awed to know that, it requires an ample amount of time, energy, and resources to create. Not to mention, you’ll have to remain constantly on top of it to update it so that it remains relevant.

Hence, take a breather and simply get a provider. It’ll save you both time and money, and you can divert your attention to other important things. Also, if anything goes wrong, you don’t have to worry about it. The payment gateway will simply take the responsibility and take the necessary steps to fix the issue or update the service.

Not to mention, they also tend to provide support and collect feedback data so that they can improve their service. Ultimately, it takes your mind off of these technical issues and lets you concentrate on your own business.

Fraud and Risk Management

The white-label payment gateway system has its own fraud prevention system integrated. On top of that, this platform often uses third-party fraud and chargeback solutions. In this way, you get more security and safety from any cyber issues.

In addition, there are also customizable anti-fraud plans that the providers offer. These are really helpful for the clients since they let them make necessary adjustments to their policy. It enables them to have a better understanding of the cardholders’ behavior.

Why Not Make the Most of Modern Technology?

White-label payment gateways are integrated with a fast digital identity verification system. It is also known as KYC (know your client).

KYC is a mandatory process of identifying and verifying the client’s identity when opening an account and periodically over time. It also reduces the risk of identity theft, money laundering, and financial fraud.

This whole process regarding the registration, identification, and other necessary verification of merchants is connected for both sides with minimum effort. It generally works without any delay and without long waiting times. You know what they say, time is money.

Moreover, you can join the white-label platform with your platform via the onboarding and service API interface. This is a crucial tool for businesses in all industries. Using this system, you can easily familiarize the merchants with your company, its techniques, and its platforms.

My Favorite White Label Payment Gateways

The benefits of having a white-label payment gateway integrated into your business are many. We only mentioned some of the most important ones that you should at least know about. The rest of the stuff, hopefully, you’ll figure out by yourself.

Here, we will introduce you to some of the best white-label payment gateways and the features that you can use for your own business.


The first one I’m going to talk about is Bhartipay. This is a company that offers services throughout India, a growing economic power. Bhartipay, with its white-label payment processing solutions, allows merchants to help their customers with payment solutions where they can use their brand tag.

So, what exactly are the services that Bhartipay provides? Let’s take a look…

First of all, they offer what an ideal white-label payment gateway provider should. That is to help the clients enhance their very own brand quality. Bhartipay ensures that. It helps you maximize your brand equity.

What is brand equity? Well, the financial value that a brand adds to the company is called brand equity.

Bhartipay helps you to increase that number through its payment processing solutions. Not only that, they are willing to provide the competitive edge that a business “Must have.” Moreover, their solution will help you gain loyalty from your customers since they will get their required services from only one company.

It’s okay to worry when it comes to security issues. But let us put your mind at ease. You’ll be happy to know that Bhartipay’s processing system is secure and adheres to the PCI Compliance level 1.

What this means is that it is greater than 6M MasterCard or Visa transactions annually. PCI compliance is a complicated process since the customer payment data is at stake. Bhartipay does its utmost best to protect that data. Their non-stop data center monitors ensure top-notch security. So that their customers feel safe and rely on them while sharing their valuable data.

So, yes…it is secured.

When you integrate your business organization with such a company, it’ll automatically help you build your company image. It’s a win-win. What we liked most about this provider is that they give their clients statistical and financial reports continuously. They also do a cross-check of the real-time statistical reports’ authenticity. You can use these reports to make the necessary adjustments to your services to meet the needs of your merchants.

Not only that, but Bhartipay also cross-promotes your product across different online platforms. Now, you may think that all these features and services might cost you a fortune. But in reality, it doesn’t cost that much.

Bhartipay’s white-label payment solutions are fairly priced. If you also take into consideration that, you wouldn’t have to work on these things from scratch. For a good price, you’ll be getting a ready-made payment gateway solution that’ll save you both money and headaches.


Let’s get a bit more international and talk about a white-label payment gateway provider called PAYMENTZ. There’s a good chance that you’ve already heard about this company if you’ve done any sort of research in this area.

PAYMENTZ is a solid and globally active white-label payment gateway platform. It has earned its reputation for its fast and easy processing ability for acquirers, payment service providers (PSPs), and independent sales organizations (ISOs). But what are the things that make this particular platform so good?

For instance, their platform has merchant API, documentation, and merchant login sites, which are fully customizable so that you can rebrand it to match your own brand. It also features 24x7x365 processing of multiple international payment methods and currencies in a secured PCI DSS Level 1 environment.

Now, we will do slightly more in-depth research and find out more about this robust platform…

Initially, the core point of choosing a white-label payment gateway is to have a ready-made platform that you can customize and rebrand as your own, right?

PAYMENTS offers a fully customizable merchant bank office interface that is integrated with the brand identity. You can customize pretty much anything here such as your own brand logo, URL, and E-mail notification with your brand. It doesn’t need to say it out loud but yes, the interfaces are fully responsive and support several resolutions and devices.

It also has a powerful Dashboard that provides necessary actionable insights based on real-time analysis of the transactions. PAYMENTS also has multi-level user support to manage access rights.

Moving on, this payment system is equipped with brilliant ready-to-go integration kits. As a result, your merchants will be able to integrate almost immediately. It has multiple integration options with a sample code. Such as standard integration, REST API integration, and mobile SDKs for both Android and iOS.

As for the shopping cart plugins, it has plenty. Their wide number of plugins will help your merchant integrate in a flash with their already existing shopping cart. So far they support Magento, Magento 2.0, Opencart, OsCommerce, PrestaShop, ZenCart, and Woo Commerce.

Yes, it supports multiple payment instruments to meet the requirements of different businesses and merchants. This means that you can start your PSP straightaway since a single platform integrates all possible payment instruments.

Last but not least, the security. PAYMENTZ platform has a good number of fraud rules and external partners’ fraud engines embedded in its system.

It also has a Merchant Monitoring System (Risk Tracker) to help you detect, analyze, and manage transactions, behavior, and habits of the merchants and the cardholders. This process is based on several pre-defined monitoring rules in the system. You get to customize the rules according to your needs too.

So, if anyone asks me why I like PAYMENTZ most, my answer will be simple. They provide the most diversified innovative and cost-effective payment solutions to their clients and partners. Their platform is simple, intuitive, and most importantly, secure.

Hips White Label Payment Gateway

Hips White Label Payment Gateway is considered the next-generation omnichannel payment gateway. If you want to grow with the rapidly changing payment technology and industry, you can take services from this robust platform.

This particular payment gateway gives its customers support in over 70 countries all over the globe. Hence, you can easily deploy your payment services anywhere using Hips’ Global Payment Network. Also, the whole platform is translated into more than 18 languages. No boundary, no restriction whatsoever.

They also have a wide range of connections available for ISOs. For example, they have integrated HIPS PayFac, Bambora, Wordline, Elavon, US Bank, American Express, Arvato Finance, AfterPay, and many more.

You can also directly integrate with major debit and credit cards in the Hips payment platform. They support Visa, MasterCard, AmericanExpress, Maestro, JCB, Unionpay, Discover, and Diners Club. Moreover, they also accept all widespread digital wallets. Nice, right?

Let’s look into some other benefits of using this platform. If you are a Hips user, you can easily swipe cards or key in payment details over the phone. You can also do this through mail order from your browser. This virtual terminal really adds to the ease of using this platform.

Just like PAYMENTZ, Hips also gives its clients detailed insight into transactions. For the convenience of their customers, they have added a Transaction Search tool. Using this tool, you can easily find what you’re looking for. Monitor your merchants’ behavior and make necessary adjustments to further improve their experience.

You’ll also be glad to know that, you can quickly and easily integrate a website into their OneClick Checkout out their plugins. Moreover, they also support third-party integrations with a growing list of shopping cart integrations.

Their transaction routing automatically determines which MIDs to route to. You can do so by using only one single gateway account. Not only that, but Hips also uploads files to the platform at regular intervals and processes large volumes of transactions all at once.

Besides that, their flexible integration methods offer full customization and control over accepting payments within your own smartphone’s applications and software with their diverse APIs and SDK. Hips also supports multicurrency and currency conversion with markup possibilities.

There’s more, their reconciliation service creates ISO 20022 / CAMT bank files to make the payout to your merchants more seamless. Their automated onboarding is no joke either. Here they provide a passport, business documents, and a selfie.

To make your life even easier, Hips White Label Payment Gateway has a PCI-HSM-certified cloud-based HSM solution. So, you don’t have to worry anymore about any hardware scaling or maintenance problems. You can put all your energy and time solely into your business.

Speaking of convenience, this platform has another feature called Terminal Management System (TMS). Using this, you can remotely manage your payment devices.

Now, let’s talk about security. Hips’ security, to some extent, is airtight. Much like PAYMENTZ, they have a strong anti-fraud system based on machine learning. What I found really interesting is that you can impose your own rules on it.

Even so, they have aggressive Strong Customer Authentication (SCA). PSD2 and SCA-Ready Fraud Protection for E-Commerce make this whole platform more secure and safe. Overall, the Hips White Label Payment Gateway platform might be just what you need for your business. It offers top-notch services and countless features for a fair price. If you’re already looking for a payment solution, you can try this out. Trust us, you won’t be disappointed. 


PayPipes is a Czech Republican Company that was founded in 2016. It’s a high-performance payment gateway system that connects payment market participants throughout the world via one single interface. They support more than 100 international payment methods, which is a hint of their immense capability.

This platform offers an API-linked payment aggregator for businesses to accept online payments. They also provide a single payments API, payment management system, tokenization, risk management, payment page, pay-to-be link, virtual terminal, recurring billing, and many more.

Let’s explore these areas a little bit more…

First off, PayPipes lets you manage 3 different systems for your clients. They are eCommerce, eWallet, and eBank. eCommerce lets you process credit card payments like Visa, MasterCard, Amex, and other several payments like PayPal, Skrill, Neteller, and Paysafecard.

Using the eWallet system you can open more than one currency account. From here, your merchants can buy goods or services online. Lastly, the eBank system also lets you open one or more currency accounts that function the same way as any standard bank account does.

They also significantly reduce your PCI compliance scope. As a result, you can deliver a smooth-seamless experience to your customers avoiding costly on-site data security assessments. Their single payments API makes it easier to connect and maintain integrations to gateways.

Does it support tokenization and can you pay by link? The answer to both of these is ‘yes.’

PayPipes tokenizes and stores card data in its secure vault. They also eliminated technical integration so that you can create and send emails with payment links without wasting any of your valuable time.

A virtual terminal is a must for any top-tier white-label payment gateway platform. PayPipes is also no exception in this area. They let their customer take payments over the phone or even email orders. It’s fast, it’s easy and it’s super convenient.

Speaking of being convenient, PayPipes has a fresh user-friendly merchant bank office. Your merchants can manage and monitor their transactions from here easily. They also added an admin bank office form where you can manage your payment gateway.

Moving on…this payment platform has a decent single unified restful API documentation for your merchant integration. It helps to increase API adoption and comprehensive documentation improves the experience of your merchants using your APIs.

Like PAYMENTZ and Hips White Label Payment Gateway, PayPipes delivers insights that are relevant to your business. They do so in real-time and using cross-channel. It offers the necessary information that your brand may need to grow. The detailed transaction information is delivered to your merchants at regular intervals. They can access this information through an intuitive-user friendly interface…with your logo and URL, branded as your own.

PayPipes works to increase your reach by adding processor connections. It saves a huge chunk of your time. How? Well, it functions as your technical partner that builds additional connections within a matter of weeks!

Lastly, security. This payment gateway system has in-house-built fraud and risk management tools. These tools manage your partner channel thoroughly. More like ‘Hips,’ they build fraud tools the way you want. In addition, their secure payment page is hosted on PCI-certified servers with high-grade SSL encryption.

In simpler words, yes…PayPipes is safe for you and your merchants. If you have this at your side, you can give your undivided attention to your business and work on how can you improve it more. You don’t have to worry about technical issues anymore. For PayPipes technical support is always ready to lend their helping hand at any point.


UniPay is a simple yet very smart solution. The setup is relatively easy, the processing fees are very reasonable, and most importantly, UniPay’s customer service is very responsive. It has all the features of a top-notch white-label payment platform that fits perfectly with its customers’ needs.

This payment was engineered by a team of talented people and business analysts. They have poured their hearts out making this. they put their insight, ingenuity, and a lot of thought into the design and implementation of the enterprise-scale payment system.

This platform is very flexible and innovative. Their product is fully customizable through extensive and easy-to-use APIs. You can make it all your own using your logo, URL, font, etc. What you’ll be getting is an immensely featured payment system with your company’s name and logo on it.

But that’s not it. With time, they keep upgrading their feature list and underlying technologies so that you and your merchants can stay up to date with the world of commerce. Also, it’s the only platform that is open source. It means that the UniPay gateway is an extremely customizable payment solution for super-ISOs and PSPs.

This gateway system guarantees the seamless operation of your payment system. On top of that, this platform keeps your business process optimized, efficient, and standards-compliant. Their super-advanced payment technology is designed to reduce your PCI scope and simplify annual PCI audits.

Let’s talk about the maintenance issue. You’ll be happy to know that UniPay has been designed with easy integration and maintenance in mind. As we already mentioned, using their open-source commercial software your transactions will become more and more smooth and hassle-free.

This platform is built to be simple and intuitive so that it can communicate and integrate with the existing systems and apps. Given the fact that it’s open-source, you are the one who remains in control. You can audit the code. If you feel so, you can make necessary adjustments too and see if it’s good enough for you.

UniPay is packed with useful features. For example, they have a decent cross-platform support payment system. it ensures more tractability and compatibility. Their cross-platform software lets you deal with a wide range of processors and banks.

Not only that, it can function on most terminal models and any operating system. The versatility makes this payment system more powerful and scalable. So, no matter what type of company you may have, you’ll have no problem merging with UniPay. They will meet your needs and provide top-tier services. 

Finally, let’s check its security measures. I guess you already know that importance of PCI compliance is paramount in the payment industry. So let us reassure you that when you’re choosing UniPay, you’re choosing a commercial open-source software solution that is designed from the very beginning with security and compliance in mind.

Not only they’re integrated with the latest security measures but they’re also equipped with fraud protection tools like any white-label payment provider.

What this basically does is that it makes the whole platform compatible with 3D Secure Protocol for credit card fraud protection. Moreover, it is also compatible with point-to-point encryption or P2PE for the protection of the card number from the moment it gets swiped. Pretty cool, right?

So, when you get UniPay, the most flexible and innovative payment system on the market, you’ll be getting a reliable companion. It will help you grow your business every step of the way with its wide array of features and services.


Paragon is another white-label payment gateway system. This platform, in short, is highly secure, incredibly reliable, fully configurable, and extremely scalable. Their payment processing solutions are robust and provide full-time in-house support.

So, without further ado, let’s get straight into this and explore its main features one by one…

First off, your merchants will be able to save money by accepting electronic check transactions. Their PURE ACH has simplified check cashing. This is an inexpensive, simple way to get paid faster. It works by accepting eCheck payments.

When your merchants do so, their funds get electronically transferred from the customer’s bank account directly to their account through the Federal Reserve Bank’s Automated Clearing House (ACH) system. Paragon merchants can process both single and recurring transactions quickly and much more efficiently.

Just like the previously mentioned platforms, Paragon also offers real-time authorization and capture reporting, a virtual terminal, recurring billing, settlement and chargeback reporting, and access to billing statements.

They have this thing called PUREsight, which the clients can use to manage their merchant processing accounts and process transactions using a single sign-on method. They also added an interactive user guide. Including that, the merchants have full access to numerous resources like documentation, release notes, FAQs, and more.

With Paragon’s white-label capabilities, you can create a seamless and stable user experience for your customers when they navigate between your software application and PUREsight.

Does it support mobile payments?

Yes, it does. PURE Mobile is Paragon’s secure and highly configurable mobile SDK. It simplifies PCI compliance and enables card-present payments for their mobile applications.

What We like most about this solution is that the Mobile SDK allows ISVs to integrate into the Paragon Processing Platform in their native programming language. They can also access mobile payment devices through a single, simple integration.

Now, security. Paragon takes full responsibility in this regard just like any top-tier white label payment platform. You can solely concentrate on your business and grow it. Their Hosted Payments Page securely connects e-commerce or web-hosted software applications to the Paragon Processing Platform.

Let us simplify this a bit more…with hosted payments, your app will collect the non-sensitive data that is required to perform a payment transaction. In the meantime, Paragon will handle carefully all the sensitive cardholder data.

Since all cardholder data is removed from the software application and ultimately leaves it out of PCI scope. As a result, your merchants will be met with a more seamless experience while using this platform. To add to that, Paragon has point-to-point encryption (P2PE) to secure cardholder data at the point of entry such as manual key-entry, card-swipe, or insert. Thus, hackers can’t use it.

Not to mention, software applications that use P2PE are considered out-of-scope of PCI compliance.

Moving on…Paragon is equipped with decent credit card tokenization technology. Sometimes businesses need to securely access cardholder data without the risk of handling and storing sensitive credit card information. In that case, tokenization is a must for your organization. What this does is that it replaces stored cardholder data with a non-sensitive token. This token is mathematically irreversible.

There’s more…Well when you use the tokenization feature with Paragon’s Card Account Updater service, your clients will receive seamless account updates.

Paragon offers its huge list of features and full team support for a very reasonable price. If you’re looking for a white-label payment gateway solution, you can put your trust in Paragon… We know, We would.


Cardstream is a high-performance versatile white-label payment gateway platform. They provide payment gateway solutions for software companies, acquirers, payment service providers, independent sales organizations, and several other value-added service providers. They have a powerful open payment network that manages the whole payment process across different countries all around the globe. Also, they add value by offering all major credit card schemes and worldwide currencies.

So, let’s dig in and find out more about this robust platform.

As already mentioned briefly before, I want to further explore something called ‘Omnichannel Payments.’ Yes, you guessed it right…it’s a systematic approach that collects payments through multiple channels.

Cardstream offers peerless Omnichannel gateway solutions to help clients upgrade both their online and in-store businesses. In this way, they deliver a more stable and simplified customer experience.

They also support their customers to pay across every possible point of sale, via different digital payment channels, of course. Not only that, but it also allows them to have one centralized portal. Using this portal, they can audit all their transactions. Not to mention, every transaction also gets tokenized so that it can be used for future transactions.

Overall, this omnichannel payments feature makes this whole platform an easier, hassle-free payment system that you can access from any part of the globe, anytime.

A white-label payment system must have a direct integration feature. Cardstream’s direct integration lets the merchant’s website collect the user’s personal and credit card details. After that, they forward these to the Cardstream gateway, which is secured.

After collecting those data, Cardstream performs several fraud and security checks, clears the payment with the acquiring bank, and sends an immediate response back to your merchant’s website.

Direct integration is indeed a bit more complex than the hosted forms method. But you should know that by using this direct integration, your customers will get a flawless shopping experience. It’ll improve the relationship with your clients and make them less likely to move to another provider.

Can you customize it?

Of course, you can. This direct integration is totally editable. So, you can brand it as your own using your own logo and URL.

As for the hosted form, Cardstream carries minimal branding. Since they use minimal branding, your merchant’s customers won’t detract from your own branding. Just like direct integration, you can brand it as your own too with a logo and URL.

Cardstream’s SDKs are another proof of their versatility. They allow customers to accept secure payments in a native mobile app. They also let them save cards in the mobile app and store the tokenized cards for future payments.

This feature is added to make the merchants’ payment experience more seamless, flawless, and easy. You can integrate secure in-app payments with Cardstream’s Google Pay or iOS SDK. Speaking of versatility, Cardstream also integrates directly with all major shopping carts.

Overall, Cardstream is a decent white-label payment gateway provider. They have features that will help your business to flourish every step of the way. While they take all the technical responsibilities on their shoulder you can work on improving the services of your business and keep growing it.

So, if you need to have a white-label payment gateway system for your organization you can surely give Cardstream a chance. 

Final Words

It should be quite clear by now that you can’t afford to have a white-label payment gateway system for your business. Integrating payments into your software will make your software nothing but more attractive and functional.

However, you have to be extremely careful when choosing your gateway partner. If you partner, unfortunately, with the wrong platform, your business will suffer a lot, as will your time and money. But if you choose correctly, the doors of economic paradise will swing open for you.

All the platforms that we mentioned here are pretty robust. They have features that will help your business grow. They will offer security, versatility, and full-time support if you run into any kind of trouble. They won’t hide anything from you. They don’t do that. They keep everything open for their client’s convenience. They maintain full transparency throughout their operation and you can ask them any question. So, you can rely on them without any hesitation.

In the end, all I can say is, that having a white-label payment gateway system integrated into your business organization will surely help your business grow. Hence, the question remains: can you really afford to not have one in this rapidly growing economy?

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