14 Tips for Choosing a Business Name

Learn tips and tricks you should consider when choosing a business name! Our comprehensive guide covers choosing and naming your business name correctly.
14 tips fpr choosing a business name

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A business name is crucial for the identity of any type of business. Most customers return for your products or services or remember your business by its name. Having an appropriate business name can play an essential role in your success. However, if your business name does not reflect what you do, it could lead to confusion and even legal trouble. 

Don’t worry! This blog will guide you through crucial tips for choosing a business name. So let’s explore: 

Why Do You Need to Understand a Business Name?

Before choosing a business name, it’s essential to understand the fundamental concept of using a business name. 

So, what is a business name? When a business or company operates its business activities for legal or tax filing purposes under a name, it’s called a business name. If you form an LLC or corporation, you will have a business name by filing the Articles of Organisation and Incorporation.

On the other hand, if you don’t want to use this name, you can apply for a DBA name. You can secure this name by applying for a trademark to protect it. Sole proprietors can use this DBA instead of their real names, whereas partnerships use the first names of their members.

14 Tips for Company Name Suggestions

Your business name is like giving your business its own ID card in the big world of commerce. A professional and suitable business name can build trust and credibility with your target audience. It can help potential customers feel confident in choosing your products or services.

You may have favorites or different ideas for your business name. But there’s a lot more to naming your business. The right business name can convey the essence of your business and its goals.

  1. Check Out Your State’s Naming Guidelines

First things first. Whenever you choose a business name, don’t forget to research the guidelines that comply with state laws. Registering or filing your business name can be different depending on the state. For this reason, you should be careful about choosing a business name that goes with the state’s standards where your business is formed or operated. Such as;

  • For instance, you can’t use “bank, banking, banc” in Delaware. At the same time, it’s more complex in Wyoming. The words “education, school, university, college, bank, banking” are prohibited in a business name.

  • You cannot choose a name already used in the same state if you form an LLC or corporation.

  • Even if you want to apply for a DBA name, there are different laws from state to state.
  1. Define Brand Identity

Think about the world’s most prominent American multinational technology company, “Apple Inc.” Most customers know this company by its brand name, right? Eventually, the brand incorporates its name into its logo design as a physical shape. If you have ambitious aspirations and aim to succeed, selecting a name that will accurately represent your brand for years to come is essential.

  1. Check Availability 

When doing business in the U.S., you must check the name’s availability in the state of your business and operation before choosing a name.

  • You need to conduct a name search in your state’s or county’s business registration database. Your name should be available and different from others.

  • Check the availability of your business name with the help of any registered agent within the state.
  1. Consider Your Audience

When choosing a business name, you must consider your target audience. You should consider:

  • Who is your audience?
  • What kind of language appeals to them?
  • Which name, a formal or casual one, will be more effective?
  1. Use Brainstorming Keywords for Catchy Brand Names

Your business name should be catchy. When you first heard of the brand “Facebook, Inc., What thoughts came to mind? A face and a book, right? That led to more engagement and interest in trying out the service.

You can use brainstorming words to create a catchy business name:

  • Generate a comprehensive list of relevant keywords and phrases associated with your business, products, or services. These keywords will serve as the foundation for generating potential business names.

  • The Brain Trust, The Idea Factory, Facebook, Apple, etc., and most popular brands use brainstorming words while choosing their business names.
  1. Use All Techniques for Creative Business Names

In this modern world, you must think more creatively about bringing clarity to your business name. There are many creative naming techniques you can follow:

  • Use letters at the start of words, such as Upwork, Myspace, etc.

  • Use suffixes like “ful,” “ly,” “fy,” and “sta” to form new words, such as “Spotify” and “Friendster.”

  • Use the combination of two words: Facebook, Foodpanda, Netflix, etc.

  • Use words associated with business objectives, such as Business Globalizer, Burger King, etc.

  • Use letters more than words, such as acronyms: KFC, AT&T, IMDB, etc.

  • Using real names, such as McDonald’s, Christian Dior, etc., can be more creative sometimes.
  1. Avoid Too Unique Business Name

Business professionals suggest you use unique words for a business name. But using too many different words for unique company names can confuse or mislead your customers. So, we suggest avoiding too many unique words when choosing a business name that people can’t pronounce.

  1. Avoid Business Naming Trends

This modern world is all about trends. While trendy names might initially seem appealing, they can quickly become outdated. You can lose your way and forget your niche when running after trends. This may lead you to choose the too-similar names of competitors. So it’s a wise idea to avoid business naming trends. Opt for a name with staying power that won’t lose relevance as trends change.

  1. Name Your Startup Simple

Simplicity is a powerful tool that can have a significant effect. If you choose a longer or more complex name that is hard to pronounce and spell, your audience can’t relate or will get tired of it.

  • So choose a name for your start-up small business that is easy to pronounce and hear, such as QuEra, MoonPAy, etc.

  • Keep the naming of your startup simple but meaningful, such as eBay or Daraz.
  1. Think about Future Expansion for Brand Identity

When you start your business, you may not know how it will change or grow. While your current business focus is essential, consider if the name will still make sense if your business expands or diversifies its products or services. You must pick a business name that is simple to say and remember in various languages if you intend to take your brand to new markets.

  • For example, the name “Nike” is easily pronounced in many languages, which is why it has succeeded in global markets.

  • It is important to choose a business name that is flexible enough to accommodate future growth and change, such as Microsoft Corporation.
  1. Consider Social Media handling.

While choosing your business name, you must remember your social media handles. At present, people most often search on Google for social media handles for different purposes like online shopping, pre-booking, and knowing business information.

You need to choose an available name for social media handles online. Consistent social media handles will create an online presence for your business. Such as @gucchi, @nike, etc.

  1. Select an Available Domain Name

To run your business digitally, you must get a domain name for your online presence. By doing this, the name will be safe from unauthorized use. So choose a name using (.com) that seems easier, more catchy, and completely available online.

  1. Check for Cultural Sensitivity

Be cautious of cultural connotations or meanings that might not translate well in different languages or cultures, especially if you plan to operate globally. Names can have different meanings in different cultures. A perfectly harmless name in one culture could be offensive or disrespectful in another.

  • For example, the name “Lucky” is common in English-speaking countries but is considered unlucky in Chinese culture; it sounds like the word “death” there.
  1. Get Feedback from Peers

Last but not least, when choosing a business name, don’t forget to consult with friends, family, mentors, or fellow entrepreneurs to gather diverse perspectives. They might identify aspects you haven’t considered or offer suggestions you hadn’t thought of. Consider your peers from the consumer’s perspective.

Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a Business Name

You may have a list of names when choosing a business name. But you can’t use all of these when selecting one. Registering a business name is more accessible, but picking a business name should take more care. You must learn about the common mistakes that you need to avoid:

  • One of the most common mistakes entrepreneurs make is choosing a business name in a rush, which is not wise. Don’t choose a name in a rush. You must take the time to brainstorm, research, and carefully evaluate your options.

  • Don’t box yourself into a name that won’t accommodate future expansion. You should pick a simple business name to call and remember in various languages to take your brand to new markets.

  • By thinking about engagement or diversification of business, you may choose a too-general name that doesn’t make any sense. So, you should avoid using a name that is too general.

  • While creativity is essential, overly abstract or unusual spellings of common words can confuse potential customers. Your business name should be easy to spell, which is a great way to start. Fresh Paint, Quick Fix, The Handyman, eBay, etc. are ideal examples.

  • If you choose a name based on the hype of the trend, it can become outdated quickly. This can be difficult to remember for your customers after a long time because trends change constantly. So, avoid the trend when choosing a business for long-term purposes.

  • You should be careful about words when choosing a business name that goes with the state’s standards where your business is formed or operated. Because there are different restrictions in different jurisdictions when choosing a business name:

    • In Wyoming, the words “education, school, university, college, bank, and banking” are prohibited in a business name.

    • In Delaware, you can’t use “bank, banking, banc.”

To learn more, you can check out our related content about the mistakes you must avoid when choosing a business name.

How to Register Your Chosen Name

Once you’ve found the perfect name and verified its availability, register it legally with the appropriate authorities. There are different processes to register or obtain a business name:

  • If you form a sole proprietorship or partnership or want to operate your business under different names, you can apply for a fictitious business name, or DBA, online.

  • If you want to legally operate your business or file taxes under an entity name, you can file Articles of Organization or Articles of Incorporation.

  • Most importantly, you must apply for a trademark with the secretary of state where your business will be formed.

Final Thoughts

In summary, choosing a business name is one of the most crucial steps, whether you are doing business or planning to start one. A creative and memorable business name can attract consistent customers or investors. You should choose a business name based on how you want to present your brand. You can ask our business legal experts for assistance regarding your business name.

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